Being Where We Are

Being Where We Are

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

After the Fiesta: Buffet Lunch at Sandia Resort and Casino in Albuquerque

Where We Are at Sandia Resort and Casino  10/14/13 - 10/24/13
Bob and I had fabulous experiences every day at the ABQ International Balloon Fiesta.  Everyday left me thinking about writing a post, but the post remained undone.  Alas, I am still going through the gazillion photos I snapped, but am getting closer to deciding which ones I want to share.

We have moved 3 miles North on I-25 to Sandia Resort and Casino where we are dry camping with other RVs with compliments from the management.  We are lucky to have been so near this first class casino that has a first class buffet.

I've always nodded approvingly when being told about a terrific buffet at a casino, but thought, "yeah, yeah."  "Just what I need: a terrific buffet."  Well, today Bob and I enjoyed a terrific buffet lunch so I know what those folks are talking about.  We ate and ate and ate some more.  From salad to pizza to meatloaf to yams to asian to mexican to fruit and finally bread pudding topped with rum sauce and soft serve ice cream.  The ice cream tasted like homemade.  You know the kind made in the metal container with ice and salt packed all around. 

On our investigative walk through the Casino on Monday, we discovered they offered the $10.95 buffet lunch for $5 on Wednesdays to Seniors with the Sandia Peak Rewards Card. we took advantage of the offer.  We stood in line to sign up for our Rewards Cards, then stood in line with at least 100 other seniors at the buffet to pay, then were seated at a table for two about 2 feet away from the next table for two.

These tables extended side by side in a long row that if put together would seat 40.

It was very easy to become part of our neighbors' conversations.  And join in their conversations, we did.  We felt like we had lots of company at lunch and were very close to becoming fast friends with 3 different couples.  We shared with one of the couples that we were traveling in our motorhome and were visiting the ABQ area after attending the Balloon Fiesta.  We also shared with them how much we liked the Sandia Resort and Casino.  They, in turn, were very kind to suggest we try Buffalo Casino near Santa Fe before we leave the area.

I wonder if Buffalo Casino offers a $5 Senior buffet?  Count us in.


  1. I am thrilled to see you back posting and hear what a wonderful time you had. Throw in a great buffet, new friends, and free parking...we get the picture!

    1. Thank you Lynda for your positive encouragement. You are my inspiration to get back on the horse. I think too much about writing not to do it. Maybe it will come easier with each post.

  2. This is great reading! I'm a fan.

    1. Hi Marcy! Yaayyy! I'm so happy to welcome you as a fan. I wonder if Viejas Casino has breakfast buffet? Food (no pun intended) for thought......


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